Does anyone know how to make a 20px
or 1em
gutter for the grid system below?
I got all the div
s to all go in a row but I want
Well, here is the calculation of the columns' width, base on the column number considering the gutter of 20px
between each column.
For instance, col-2-12
width: calc( (100% - (12/2 - 1) * 20px) / 12 * 2 );
(100% /* Total width */
- (12/2 - 1) * 20px /* Number of gutters between col-2 x gutter width */
) / 12 /* Total columns */
* 2 /* Size of the current column which is col-2 */
Also, instead of using margin
for the first and the last column, you can use padding
for the container .row
and set the margin
for that columns to 0
In addition, as the columns are floated, you should clear the float at the bottom of the .row
.row {
padding: 0 20px;
*zoom: 1;
.row:after, .row:before {
content: ' ';
display: table;
.row:after { clear: both;}
.row > [class*='col-']:first-child { margin-left: 0; }
.row > [class*='col-']:last-child { margin-right: 0; }
Using CSS preprocessors such as Sass, makes the calculation of grid systems fun!
Here is the Sassy way of a fluid grid system:
$total_columns : 12;
$total_width : 100%;
$gutter_width : 2%;
.row {
padding: 0 $gutter_width;
*zoom: 1;
&:after, &:before { content: ' '; display: table; }
&:after { clear: both; }
& > [class*='col-']:first-child { margin-left: 0; }
& > [class*='col-']:last-child { margin-right: 0; }
& > [class*='col-'] { margin: 0 $gutter_width/2; }
[class*="col-"] {
float:left; min-height:200px;
background-color: #dedede; border: 1px solid #000;
@for $i from 1 through $total_columns {
.col-#{$i}-#{$total_columns} {
width: (100% - ($total_columns/$i - 1) * $gutter_width) / $total_columns * $i;