I am just a newbie to angular. I have create a event component where user enters the event name with packages. When user creates an event it has the functionality for creati
You will have to just loop through data in packages and add it to form.
After your service you will intialize the loop :-
getOneEvent(id) {
this.http.get( this.domain + '/api/event/' + id).subscribe(data => {
this.event = data['eventname'];
this.packages = data['packages']; //getting packages as array object
for(let package of this.packages){
then in your sections function you will pass the same to initSection.
addSection(package) {
const control = <FormArray>this.form.get('sections');
then finally in your initSection You will assign values
initSection(package) {
if (!package) {
var package = {
packagename : "",
packageprice : "",
packagelimit : ""
return new FormGroup({
packagename: new FormControl(package.packagename, [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(5)]),
packageprice: new FormControl(package.packageprice),
packagelimit: new FormControl(package.packagelimit)
The if condition is for when you add a blank (a new ) item.
Also remove the call of addSection from ngOnInit else first row will be left empty.