I used below code for that but its works only in Firefox. It also not allow customize exported file name. It takes a random file name.
var tableToExcel = (f
The following code worked perfect for me with IE8+, Chrome and Firefox! It´s the easiest way to Export HTML tables to Excel without using a blob, ActiveX-Elements or downloadify:
Just insert an empty Iframe in your HTML document:
<iframe id="txtArea1" style="display:none"></iframe>
Add the following function to your Script section and replace the table id:
function fnExcelReport()
var tab_text="<table border='2px'><tr bgcolor='#87AFC6'>";
var textRange; var j=0;
tab = document.getElementById('headerTable'); // id of table
for(j = 0 ; j < tab.rows.length ; j++)
tab_text= tab_text.replace(/<A[^>]*>|<\/A>/g, "");//remove if u want links in your table
tab_text= tab_text.replace(/<img[^>]*>/gi,""); // remove if u want images in your table
tab_text= tab_text.replace(/<input[^>]*>|<\/input>/gi, ""); // reomves input params
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE ");
if (msie > 0 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./)) // If Internet Explorer
sa=txtArea1.document.execCommand("SaveAs",true,"Say Thanks to Sumit.xls");
else //other browser not tested on IE 11
sa = window.open('data:application/vnd.ms-excel,' + encodeURIComponent(tab_text));
return (sa);
and finally call the function:
<button id="btnExport" onclick="fnExcelReport();"> EXPORT </button>
or with JQuery:
$("#btnExport").click(function () {
The Firefox supports the HTML 5
feature data-uri
here data:application
If you want to make it work across all browsers, better do it in server side and set the response ContentType
Try a blob. Should work in IE10+, Chrome/Safari and Fx
window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
var blob = new Blob([format(template, ctx)]); // format is part of OP's code
var blobURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
if (blobURL) {
.attr("href", blobURL)
.attr("download", fileName)
.text("Download "+fileName+" for import")
else {
$("#downloadLink").html("Please cut and paste from the table below");