Input redirection is working for .exe files or internal windows commands.
app.exe < ListOfNames.txt
sort < input.txt
Parameters that are provided on the command line are completely different than stdin ( where your redirected input goes). This is true for both batch scripts as well as .exe programs.
Some programs are designed to accept the same values via command line arguments or stdin. But that is not the norm. That is a feature that is provided by the developer of the program.
If you want to read redirected input within a batch script, then you must do one of the following.
To read a single line:
set /p "ln="
echo %ln%
To read all lines in a loop:
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('findstr "^"') do (
echo %%A
Additionally to dbenhams answer, you could also read multiple lines with set/p
for a input redirection, like myBatch.bat < commands.txt
@echo off
set "line_1="
set "line_2="
set "line_3="
set /p line_1=
set /p line_2=
set /p line_3=
set line_
But this would fail with an input pipe like type commands.txt | myBatch.bat