I am creating a cryptocurrency exchange API client using Python3.5 and Tkinter. I have several displays that I want to update asynchronously every 10 seconds. I am able to u
accepts a normal function, not a coroutine. To run the coroutine to completion, you can use run_until_complete
, just as you did the first time:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
root.after(10000, lambda: loop.run_until_complete(updateLoans()))
Also, don't call loop.close()
, since you'll need the loop again.
takes a long time due to slow network or a problem with the remote service. A good GUI app will want to avoid this.
While Tkinter and asyncio cannot share an event loop yet, it is perfectly possible to run the asyncio event loop in a separate thread. The main thread then runs the GUI, while a dedicated asyncio thread runs all asyncio coroutines. When the event loop needs to notify the GUI to refresh something, it can use a queue as shown here. On the other hand, if the GUI needs to tell the event loop to do something, it can call call_soon_threadsafe or run_coroutine_threadsafe.
Example code (untested):
gui_queue = queue.Queue()
async def updateLoans():
while True:
offers = await dd.loanOffers()
demands = await dd.loanDemands()
print('loans obtained')
gui_queue.put(lambda: updateLoansGui(offers, demands))
await asyncio.sleep(10)
def updateLoansGui(offers, demands):
w.LoanOfferView.delete(1.0, END)
w.LoanDemandView.delete(1.0, END)
w.LoanOfferView.insert(END, offers)
w.LoanDemandView.insert(END, demands)
print('loans GUI refreshed')
# http://effbot.org/zone/tkinter-threads.htm
def periodicGuiUpdate():
while True:
fn = gui_queue.get_nowait()
except queue.Empty:
root.after(100, periodicGuiUpdate)
# Run the asyncio event loop in a worker thread.
def start_loop():
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# Run the GUI main loop in the main thread.
# To stop the event loop, call loop.call_soon_threadsafe(loop.stop).
# To start a coroutine from the GUI, call asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe.