I am facing Database timed-out issue while creating a view and/or rebasing a stream on vobs
ERROR -> cleartool: Error: Database timed out -- aborting tran
Database timed out error is resolved after following this http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21133944
- Lock the VOB (if you receive errors from the lock command, proceed to step 2.)
- Unmount the VOB
- Kill any lingering VOB processes on the server using the albd_list utility. Note: Review technote 1148639 for more details on albd_list and its usage. Should some ClearCase processes still exist that are accessing the transaction files and preventing you from deleting them, you must completely - stop ClearCase on the server to end those processes.
- Move the vista.tjf, vista.tcf, vista.taf files out of the VOB db directory Refer to technote 1149322 About ClearCase database vista.* files for further information about these files.
- Remount the VOB
The files will be recreated and the VOB will be functional
Note: If the files are not recreated, stop and restart ClearCase services on the host.
CCRC possibly means CC8.0.X+, but you would still need to access logs (that was cleartool getlog in previous CC versions, since you mentioned before using CC 7.1), in order to know more about that error message.
A "Database timed out -- aborting transaction
" usually is followed on the logs by the actual root cause (like, for instance, db_VISTA database error -926 - problem in shared memory lock manager
In the OP's case, it was (from this technote), a corrupt transaction file.
Error: db_VISTA error -925