This week i have been searching for a \"bug\" i introduced in my webpage. I moved over to CSS transitions. To be specific: i used it for opening and closing a menu. One user
I found the solution! The javascript function (until today unknown to me) returns an object you can use to change the behaviour of your page.
I created a working example. It is a snippet copied from/credits to: When you run the snippet it responds realtime to the changed settings in your OS control panel.
var motionQuery = matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion)');
function handleReduceMotionChanged() {
document.getElementById('prmValue').innerText = motionQuery.matches ? 'on' : 'no-preference or unsupported';
handleReduceMotionChanged(); // trigger this once on load to set up the initial value
motionQuery.addListener(handleReduceMotionChanged); // Note:
<h2>Using JavaScript to access the current value</h2>
<div id="indicator">Prefers reduced motion: <span id="prmValue">unsupported</span> <a href="" title="Outstanding bug: 168491" aria-label="Outstanding bug: 168491"><sup>1</sup></a></div>