stack details ruby 1.9.2p180, rails 3.0.9, gmaps4rails 1.0.2, jquery.json-2.3.min.js
Background I am a newbie to gmaps4rails and re
I broke my brain over this for quite a while being new to both JS and Rails ... I was unable to get my head around converting from a RAILS jSON string created in my controller to a JavaScript array of JSON objects.
I tried just grabbing the string generated by _to_gmaps4rails but it was full of escaped characters. I now know this was due to changes in Rails to prevent scripts from getting inserted by data.
I tried lots of things, like parsing the JSON on the browser side, passing the data elements individually, etc.
Turns out all I needed was the raw() function which prevented the string from being escaped. Here's my working code:
in my controller:
@markers = plots.to_gmaps4rails do |plot, marker|
escaped_comment = ERB::Util.html_escape plot.comment
marker.infowindow render_to_string(:partial => 'my_partial', :locals => { :plot => plot})
marker.picture ( {
"picture" => ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path(plot.marker) , # string, mandatory
"width" => 64, # integer, mandatory
"height" => 32, # integer, mandatory
marker.title plot.title
marker.json({ :id =>, :comment => escaped_comment})
in my JS (returned from format.js Ajax call):
markers = <%=raw(@markers)%>
Hope this helps someone else!
This issue is resolved by upgrading to gmaps4rails 1.3.0. Another problem I faced was to make sure that the replaceMarkers method is given an array of markers, not a JSON string
Note that when you are creating a new map (on the server side), you must give a JSON string for the markers.
When you are calling replaceMarkers on the client side (in JS), you must give an array of marker objects.