In angular (v5) how do I listen to my apps Redux state object changing?

前端 未结 2 1004
广开言路 2021-01-15 18:17

I need to know how to create a listener e.g. I want to subscribe to the AppState changing.

Below is my current very basic service. I have a dispatch action on the vi

  • 2021-01-15 18:49

    I declare the actions in a file

    // action.ts 
    export const FILTER_ROLES = "FILTER_ROLES"
    // this action will be handled in the effect
    export class FilterRoles implements Action {
      readonly type = FILTER_ROLES
      constructor(public query: any) { }
    // this one will modify the reducer 
    export class FilteredRoles implements Action {
      readonly type = FILTERED_ROLES
      constructor(public values: Array<any>, public total: number) { }

    the effects file will look like this, (effects will call the backend)

    export class RoleEffects {
    @Effect() filter_roles = this.actions$
            .flatMap((action: FilterRoles) => {
                    .mergeMap(({ values, total }) => {
                        return [
                            new FilteredRoles(values, total)
                    }).catch((err: Error) => { console.log("sss") })

    the reducer will modify the current state of your store

    export function RoleReducer(state: Roles = { values: [], total: 0 }, action: RoleActions) {
        switch (action.type) {
            case FILTERED_ROLES:
                return Object.assign({}, state, { values: action.values, total: })
                return state

    In my module declaration you should declare both effects and reducer actions

    const EffectModules = [

    in the imports of my module I will declare all the reducer and effects

        imports: [
    StoreModule.provideStore({roles: RoleReducer,
    ... // all the other reducers

    I hope this code will help you

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  • 2021-01-15 19:10

    angular-redux offers a very convenient way of selecting slices of your store with the @select() decorator.

    Let's say your IAppState would be:

    export interface IAppState {
      counter: number;
      auth: {token: string}; 

    Then you can select the parts of your state like this:

    // variable name is equal to state property + $
    @select() counter$: Observable<number>;
    @select() auth$: Observable<{token: string}>;
    // path to store slice
    @select(['auth', 'token']) token$: Observable<string>;

    For further information, have a look at the select docs.

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