I wonder whether someone could help me please.
I\'ve been trying to find a tutorial or examples of how to automatically create a folder in my server upon \'user regi
To create folders with php you can use the function mkdir
(which stands for "make directory").
It's basically making use of mkdir, however you might want to wrap this into a class of it's own so you can later on better bind it to a user-name or ID to move away from concrete pathnames:
$userDir = new UserDir($pathToUserDir);
class UserDir extends SplFileInfo
public function createThumbDirectory()
return $this->createSubdirectory('thumb');
public function createImageDirectory()
return $this->createSubdirectory('image');
private function createSubdirectory($name)
$path = $this->getPathname();
$dir = $path . PATH_SEPARATOR . $name;
return mkdir($dir);
You can then extend this with error condition checking in a central place, so it's easy to use in your application.
You could use something like exec() to run a system command like mkdir http://php.net/manual/en/function.exec.php
use mkdir.
source: http://php.net/manual/en/function.mkdir.php
complete description given