I am using felixge/node-mysql. Also I am using express-myconnection which prevents mysql timeout and in turn prevents killing of node server. What I am doing is logging the
I had the same issue. Came across one solution -
Re-Install MySQl and while doing so, in the configuration step, select "legacy encryption" option instead and finish the installation.
Hope this helps!
Actually, I decided to google your error for you, and after reading this thread: https://github.com/felixge/node-mysql/issues/832 I realized that you're not releasing the connection after the first query completes, and so the pool never tries to issue you a new one. You were correct that the stale connection might be the problem. here's how you fix that if it is:
upload.on('begin', function (fileInfo, reqs, resp) {
var fileType = resp.req.fields.file_type;
var originalFileName = fileInfo.name;
var renamedFilename = file.fileRename(fileInfo,fileType);
/*renaming the file */
fileInfo.name = renamedFilename;
/*start: log the details in database;*/
var utcMoment = conf.moment.utc();
var UtcSCPDateTime = new Date( utcMoment.format() );
var activityData = {
activity_type : conf.LIST_UPLOAD_BEGIN,
username : test ,
message : 'test has started the upload process for the file',
activity_datetime : UtcSCPDateTime
reqs.params.activityData = activityData;
req.getConnection(function(err,connection) {
var dbData = req.params.activityData;
var activity_type = dbData.activity_type;
console.dir("[ Connection ID:- ] "+connection.threadId+' ] [ Activity type:- ] '+activity_type);
var insertQuery = connection.query("INSERT INTO tblListmanagerActivityLog SET ? ",dbData, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error inserting while performing insert for activity "+activity_type+" : %s ",err );
} else {
console.log('Insert successfull');
/// Here is the change:
/*end: log the details in database;*/
For pool connection to work we need to comment out https://github.com/pwalczyszyn/express-myconnection/blob/master/lib/express-myconnection.js#L84 this line. Hope it helps anyone facing the same issue.
Also we can use single connection option.