I am writing a webkit app, and i\'m using google maps api v3. I tried it on a android phone (HTC Desire) but it dosen\'t pinch to zoom. Note, i don\'t want to pinch and zoom
works in tablet 3.2 - Amazing pinch to zoom on a map works ! just like ipad. Who would have thought that a new version of android would fix an issue - rather than creating another bug - requiring yet another work around. Android i rate your version control 2 stars out of 5 up from 1 well done..well ...better get back to fixing the incompatibilities in my other apps!
It would appear that, currently, you cannot rely on being able to receive pinch-to-zoom events on Android browsers. Here it is in the Android issue tracker: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=11909