I have a project using subsonic that I developed in Visual Studio 2008 on C: drive. No problem there. I\'ve just upgraded to Visual Studio 2010 (and as my computer coincide
For posterity, here are some results of my investigations.
Mapped drives in VS 2010:
So, not surprisingly, I think it is just going to be too painful to store VS projects on a mapped drive. Source control and a local project are the way to go. Frankly, the lack of undo on a networked drive is a pain for dev work as well IMO.
the original issue was not so much that I needed a networked drive as that I didn't want to store the project on C: of my VM (ie. I wanted to be able to back up the data separately from the VM based drive image).
The answer staring me in the face the whole time, was to create a second virtual disk and attach it to the VM as G:. It's a local drive, so I don't get all the trust issues, but I get full data separation. I keep all the data on that drive in a Dropbox folder, giving me full realtime offsite backup as well, and that's me happy.
Maybe I'm wrong (I did not look this up) but I think you need to work with strong names when working on mapped drives. Like
caspol -m -q -ag My_Machine_Zone -url g:\* Nothing -n "GDrive"
caspol -m -q -ag "GDrive" -strong -file "<pathToFile>" "<assemblyStrongName>" "<assemblyVersion>" FullTrust -n "GDriveFileX" -d "Code Group for fileX"
I would always create a toplevel group so you can easily modify or remove the policy later on. I think it makes sense not to allow to give full trust to a mapped drive based on the uri e ven though this is painfull.
If possible use something more modern.