I have the following JSON array:
You use json_decode.
$json_obj = json_decode($json);
echo $json_obj->results[0]->geometry->location->lat;
We access the first element of the results array, then navigate through the geometry, location, and lat properties. You can also make it use associative arrays, but the default is an object.
I recommend reading the json_decode documentation
$obj = json_decode($json);
$lat = $obj->results[0]->geometry->location->lat;
You use json_decode and then $var->results[0]->geometry->location->lat;
yields the following structure:
object(stdClass)[1] public 'status' => string 'OK' (length=2) public 'results' => array 0 => object(stdClass)[2] public 'types' => array 0 => string 'street_address' (length=14) public 'formatted_address' => string '5721 N Northcott Ave, Chicago, IL 60631, USA' (length=44) public 'address_components' => array 0 => object(stdClass)[3] public 'long_name' => string '5721' (length=4) public 'short_name' => string '5721' (length=4) public 'types' => array 0 => string 'street_number' (length=13) 1 => object(stdClass)[4] public 'long_name' => string 'Illinois' (length=8) public 'short_name' => string 'IL' (length=2) public 'types' => array 0 => string 'administrative_area_level_1' (length=27) 1 => string 'political' (length=9) 2 => object(stdClass)[5] public 'long_name' => string '60631' (length=5) public 'short_name' => string '60631' (length=5) public 'types' => array 0 => string 'postal_code' (length=11) public 'geometry' => object(stdClass)[6] public 'location' => object(stdClass)[7] public 'lat' => float 41.985886 public 'lng' => float -87.790746 public 'location_type' => string 'ROOFTOP' (length=7) public 'viewport' => object(stdClass)[8] public 'southwest' => object(stdClass)[9] public 'lat' => float 41.9827384 public 'lng' => float -87.7938936 public 'northeast' => object(stdClass)[10] public 'lat' => float 41.9890336 public 'lng' => float -87.7875984