I am trying to perform a groupby on an IEnumerable. The problem is that I do not know at compile-time which fields i want to groupby. I have found another post on stack that
So I am able to get the groupby to work... (the select statement is another question). Thanks to c0d1ng for putting me on the right path. The syntax was not so trivial because I am using indexers and not properties...
Below is my code:
private void GetValuesGroupedBy(List<Dictionary<string, object>> list, List<string> groupbyNames, List<string> summableNames)
// build the groupby string
StringBuilder groupBySB = new StringBuilder();
groupBySB.Append("new ( ");
bool useComma = false;
foreach (var name in groupbyNames)
if (useComma)
groupBySB.Append(", ");
useComma = true;
groupBySB.Append(" as ");
groupBySB.Append(" )");
var groupby = list.GroupBy(groupBySB.ToString(), "it");