Everytime I open my Eclipse IDE\'s Marketplace. Then search with the keyword \"spring\"... I keep on getting this error:
Help please.
This was a temporary server-side issue that has meanwhile been fixed. Please try again.
See Eclipse bug 551442
Same problem on kubuntu 1904 Linux, Eclipse JEE 2019-06, I am trying to install pydev, but it is not possible because is there a request problem
It is the url of the request :http://marketplace.eclipse.org/api/p/search/apachesolr_search/pydev?client=org.eclipse.epp.mpc.core&client.version=1.7.7.v20190521-1752&os=linux&ws=gtk&nl=en_US&java.version=11.0.4&product=org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product&product.version=4.12.0.I20190605-1800&runtime.version=3.15.300.v20190508-0543&platform.version=4.12.0.v20190605-1800
Eclipse says that all websites is working good , status ok https://status.eclipse.org/
It appears in the website when trying to search pydev
A quick solution is
In MarketPlace-Client select the Popular tab and scroll down , then you will find Spring, in my case there is pydev too, then install button.