Here is my fiddle:
I\'m starting with a reverse function:
function reverseArr(input) {
var ret = new Array;
function reverseArr(input) {
return input.slice().reverse();
use this function
function reverseArray(input) {
var newArray = new Array();
for(var i = input.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
return newArray;
Your function is working correctly, even if it could be abbreviated to
return input.slice().reverse();
//This will show that pointOrigins2 is not an independent copy of pointOrigins1 //When pointOrigins2 is modified pointOrigins1 is also being modified pointOrigins2[0].index++;
No. You are not modifying the pointOrigins2
array here, you are only accessing it and modifying the point object - the same point that was in the pointOrigins1
array. Yet, pointOrigins1 !== pointOrigins2
You can modify the array independent from the other, e.g. like
pointOrigins2[0] = {
positionx: pointOrigins2[0].positionx,
positiony: pointOrigins2[0].positiony,
index: pointOrigins2[0].index + 1
and pointOrigins1
will stay untouched. So if you want to have points whose properties you can modify without being reflected somewhere else, you will need to create new points.
All you have to do is clone your array before you reverse it! :)
The shortest way to type is:
var b = a.slice();
But using concat is correct as well. See:
Javascript fastest way to duplicate an Array - slice vs for loop
If slice does not create a copy for you, you can use numpy arrays and create a deep copy this way:
You are making a new independent array, but you are not making independent copies of the items that fill your arrays. You need to do something like:
function reverseArr(input) {
var ret = new Array;
for(var i = input.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
positionx: input[i].positionx,
positiony: input[i].positiony,
index: input[i].index
return ret;
so that you are generating new objects (with the same properties) as well as the new array.