When you long press on an email in Gmail application the dialog box is shown. I\'m wondering is it just a dialog or an activity represented as dialog? Thank you.
Your screen shot code should look like this. Here there is no need to dismiss your dialog, when selected option it automatically dismissed.
AlertDialog dialog ;
Charsequence str[]={"Test1","Test2"};
AlertDialog.Builder builder=new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.setTitle("Your Title Here");
builder.setItems(str, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int position) {
//here you can use like this... str[position]
dialog = builder.create();
Probably it should be a Dialog
and when you select/click the item it may be open an Activity
based on the type of commands. However an Activty
can be displayed as a Dialog
but here as the items in the dialog are related to the context of the same activty therfore it can't be a new activty here.