I have a Highcharts datetime column chart, with several series that which are added and updated dynamically. It appears that the library is producing the chart with a large
You can modify pointWidth
and groupPadding/pointPadding
EDIT: You should define pointRange
From what I'm seeing, example http://jsfiddle.net/ricksuggs/PRKAJ/36/ is showing to me without extra padding; unlike on the screenshot by @ricksuggs above, where there is extra padding.
I believe the "problem" lies within multiple series with single data points
vs. a single series with multiple data points
With multiple series (=sets) with single data point in each set, columns are grouped together, expecting another grouped data points from another set, thus creating the padding. However, with a single set containing multiple data points, those are distributed evenly creating no additional padding.
To answer your question, I believe that's why there is extra spacing. However, I could not find a way how to get rid of it as grouping multiple series into single set with multiple data points has other limitations (hiding series in legend, coloring, ...).