I want to run Android application in command line after execution android:deploy maven goal
Does Maven have some command which can run application after
It doesn't look like: http://maven-android-plugin-m2site.googlecode.com/svn/plugin-info.html
You can do it with adb instead. But you have to know the Activity name.
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n your.app.package/.YourMainActivity
Thanks mschonaker I found the complete solution for Maven
First you need to add plugin in your POM
add script in ${basedir}/scripts/
dir with next content:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n your.app.package/.YourMainActivity
Command to build and run app
mvn clean install android:deploy; mvn exec:exec
Just an update. As of version 3.0.0 the android maven plugin has a run goal so you can start a deployed app on all attached devices with
mvn android:run
It will automatically parse the AndroidManifest and determine which activity to start. To work you have to run the command from within a apk project.