I want to remove the product_options_wrapper block from the product view page according to the logedin user via frontend router controller.
I know that I can program
Inorder to remove a block using its parent block use the code below
This should work:
$blockName = 'left'; // Add yours
$update = Mage::app()->getLayout()->getUpdate();
$removeInstruction = "<remove name=\"$blockName\"/>";
Why? Have a look in the file Mage_Core_Model_Layout
in the method generateXml()
the XML is parsed and where a remove is set for a block, the attribute ignore is added to the block. In the method generateBlocks()
all the blocks which have that attribute are not added.
The OP code should work, if it used the correct block name, which is product.info.options.wrapper, as opposed to the block alias.
if (Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomerGroupId() == [id]){