I am using WPF application which is using DirectShow library and it is working fine for grabbing images or recording the live feed,but i wants that end user should not be ab
DirectShow does not need any visual component to grab snapshots or video. It is just one of the popular methods to display video live and grabs snapshots off the video presenter.
Read on using Sample Grabber to capture frames, and DxSnap
sample from DirectShow.NET shows you how.
Use DirectShow to take snapshots from the Still pin of a capture device. Note the MS encourages you to use WIA for this, but if you want to do in with DirectShow and C#, here's how.
Note that this sample will only work with devices that output uncompressed video as RBG24. This will include most webcams, but probably zero tv tuners.
See also: Best DirectShow way to capture image from web cam preview ? SampleGrabber is deprecated