I\'m trying to use Hive
on MR executing SQL
and it fails half way with errors below:
Application application_1570514228864_0001 f
I still didn't know why the timestamp of resource file is inconsistent and there isn't a way to fix it in configuration way, AFAIK.
However, I managed to find a workaround to skip the issue. Let me summarize it here for anyone who might run into same issue.
By checking error log and search it at Hadoop
source code, we can trace the issue at hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-common/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/yarn/util/FSDownload.java
Just remove the exception throwing statements,
private void verifyAndCopy(Path destination)
throws IOException, YarnException {
final Path sCopy;
try {
sCopy = resource.getResource().toPath();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new IOException("Invalid resource", e);
FileSystem sourceFs = sCopy.getFileSystem(conf);
FileStatus sStat = sourceFs.getFileStatus(sCopy);
if (sStat.getModificationTime() != resource.getTimestamp()) {
throw new IOException("Resource " + sCopy +
" changed on src filesystem (expected " + resource.getTimestamp() +
", was " + sStat.getModificationTime());
LOG.debug("[Gearon][Info] The timestamp is not consistent among resource files.\n" +
"Stop throwing exception . It doesn't affect other modules. ");
if (resource.getVisibility() == LocalResourceVisibility.PUBLIC) {
if (!isPublic(sourceFs, sCopy, sStat, statCache)) {
throw new IOException("Resource " + sCopy +
" is not publicly accessible and as such cannot be part of the" +
" public cache.");
downloadAndUnpack(sCopy, destination);
Build hadoop-yarn-project
and copy 'hadoop-yarn-common-x.x.x.jarto
Leave this thread here and thanks for any further explanation about how to fix it without changing hadoop