I am using Twitter-OAuth-iPhone https://github.com/bengottlieb/Twitter-OAuth-iPhone
I am calling [twitterObj getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus:NO] for getting my friend
Thanks for this! it helped me a bunch! I would like to add to anyone coming to this for answers that while calling out with this method works you still have to make adjustments elsewhere....
First you have to make sure you parse this correctly in your dictionary .... This is the one case I found "user" is NOT the main array. In fact there is no array it is just strings for example in "statuses received you want to call out @"user" @"screen_name" with retrieving your followers which is under "userInfoRecieved" you will just parse the string @"screen_name" .
At least this is how it worked for me!
One thing I would love to find out is how to retrieve more then 100. I have almost 1,000 followers and can only see 100.
I would also like to know how to retrieve the users I follow so I can place that into a popOverController with a tableview whenever a texfield is pressed so you can easily @Mention a friend!!!
@Amit if you have anything to add or any solutions for those few things I have stated please jump in and enlighten me.
this url not work , and not response , its show the errorhttps://twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline.xml working fine, . . . . https://twitter.com/statuses/followers.xml
change it
in you .m class of twitter engine
it is solved now
I change
#define TWITTER_DOMAIN @"twitter.com"
#define TWITTER_DOMAIN @"api.twitter.com/1"
in MGTwitterEngine.m