I am using an existential type as a wrapper. At a point in my code where I know the enclosed type, I want to do something with it that is specific to the enclosed type. This
Could not deduce (a ~ Bug)
We can, but the compiler can't.
We know that agentId
is meant to be injective, so that two instances of different types have the same agentId
String, but the compiler can't deduce that. Applying a function Agent a -> String
loses whatever type information you had about a
, and you didn't have much because it was existentially qualified.
Problem 1: Existential data types stop the compiler from using the type of the data. This is the heart of your problems. You decided you wanted them to be different types and then you decided you wanted them to be all one type.
Problem 2: Strings aren't types, types are. Better than Strings are user-defined types, eg
data Species = Bug | Saurapod | ....
but better than data is an actual type, don't make it then hide it.
Avoid existential types. Instead of having a type class Agent
, have a record type data Agent
, making all Agents uniform.
data Agent = Agent {
agentId :: String,
speciesId :: Species,
-- ...other stuff agents need.
-- Species-specific data is an illusion;
-- make Agent widely useful, catering for the eventualities
Avoid existential types. Instead of having a type class providing an interface for agents, have a data type consisting of the necessary bits:
data Agent = Agent {
agentId :: String,
speciesId :: Species,
-- ...other stuff _all_ agents need.
class IsAgent a where
agent :: a -> Agent
Now you can have
agents = map agent bugs
++ map agent saurapods
++ ...
Avoid existential types. Instead of having existential Agents, have a union type of Agents
class Agent a where
-- all the stuff you want
instance Agent Bug where
instance Agent Saurapod where
data AnyAgent = ABug Bug | ASaurapod Saurapod | ...
-- ensure you have an agent instance for each type you need
instance Agent AnyAgent where
-- much boilerplate code unwrapping and applying
agents :: [AnyAgent]
agents = map ABug bugs ++ map ASaurapod saurapods ++ ....
Avoid existential types. Instead of having existential Agents, separate out generic Agent code, and have a union type of Agents including this
data Agent = Agent {
agentId :: String,
-- ...other stuff _all_ agents need.
data Bug = Bug --..... Bug-specific data
data Saurapod = Saurapod --... Saurapod-specific data
data AnyAgent = ABug Agent Bug | ASaurapod Agent Saurapod | ...
agent :: AnyAgent -> Agent
agent (ABug a _) = a
agent (ASaurapod a _) = a
agents :: [AnyAgent]
agents = [ABug (Agent {agentId="007", ...}) (Bug ....),
ASaurapod (Agent {agentId="Pat", ...}) (Saurapod ....),
Refuse to give up on existential types, choose to leave the joyous ease of static typing and use Dynamic
or Typable
or something else unfun to recover some type information.
Use Data.Dynamic.
import Data.Dynamic
class Typeable a => Agent a where
agentId :: a -> String
-- no need for speciesId
fromAgentBox :: Agent a => AgentBox -> Maybe a
fromAgentBox (AgentBox inner) = fromDynamic (toDyn inner)
instance Agent Bug where
agentId (Bug name) = name
-- no need for speciesId
doSomethingWith :: AgentBox -> IO ()
doSomethingWith a = do
case fromAgentBox a of
Just bug -> do
-- Now the compiler knows it's a bug, and I can do something bug-specific
doBugStuff2 bug
return ()
Nothing -> return ()
Alternatively, consider declaring doSomethingWith
in the Agent
class, perhaps with a default definition.
class Agent a where
agentId :: a -> String
-- still don't need speciesId
doSomethingWith :: a -> IO ()
doSomethingWith _ = return ()
instance Agent Bug where
agentId (Bug name) = name
-- still don't need speciesId
doSomethingWith bug = do
-- Now the compiler knows it's a bug, and I can do something bug-specific
doBugStuff2 bug
return ()
Finally, I should point out that your AgentBox
type is an example of the existential typeclass anti-pattern, so you should perhaps ignore what I've written above and redesign your Agent
class as an ordinary datatype.
You have to convince the type checker as well that you have the type is Bug
You can do this by making Data.Typeable.Typeable
a super-class of Agent
and then use Data.Typeable.cast
to downcast from the existential type to the actual type.
But before doing this, consider doing it some other way. This is not very Haskellish, but rather in OO style.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Maybe
class Typeable a => Agent a where
agentId :: a -> String
speciesId :: a -> String
data AgentBox = forall a. Agent a => AgentBox { unbox :: a }
deriving (Typeable)
instance Agent AgentBox where
agentId (AgentBox a) = agentId a
speciesId (AgentBox a) = speciesId a
bugTag :: String
bugTag = "Bug"
data Bug = Bug String
deriving (Typeable)
instance Agent Bug where
agentId (Bug name) = name
speciesId _ = bugTag
doSomethingWith :: AgentBox -> IO ()
doSomethingWith a = do
case cast a of
Just bug -> doBugStuff bug
Nothing -> return ()
doBugStuff :: Bug -> IO ()
doBugStuff a = putStrLn $ agentId a ++ " does bug stuff"