I have created a custom select field using woocommerce_form_field on the checkout page. How do I make select field to be same as the ones we have in the WooCoommerce setting
Assuming you are after the looks and feel of WooCommerce Select inputs.
You need to add custom JavaScript for this. WooCommerce uses SelectWoo, a more accessible fork of Select2 JavaScript library for those fancy select inputs.
While selectWoo
is by default available in wp-admin
, on the front-end it is enqueued only on cart, checkout, and my-account pages.
If you want to use it on other pages then you need to enqueue
it for them. Using wp_enqueue('selectWoo');
or as a dependency to your front-end css/js wp_enqueue
statement in your plugin, theme, or theme's functions.php.
To learn more about it visit:
selectWoo – An accessible replacement for select2
Basic Usage
GitHub Repo
WooCommerce Front-end Assets - woocommerce/includes/class-wc-frontend-scripts.php
WooCommerce Admin Assets - woocommerce/includes/admin/class-wc-admin-assets.php