Am new to gnuplot but need o use it urgently. This is the following set of commands I used:
set terminal latex
set output “conflict.tex”
set xtics (\"rando
One obvious problem are the non-ASCII quotation marks. Replace them with "
The next problem might be the %
characters, since those are comment characters for LaTeX. It might be necessary to escape them with a backslash: \%
Finally, your data file could have a non-standard separator. You might need to set the datafile separator
Recently I had the same problem with escaping ("Bad format character") in xtics().
This should work:
set xtics ("random" 2, "sharing(0\%%)" 1, ...)
What helped me, was to look at the generated tex file.
You have used two types of quotation mark:
“...” and "..."
I guess it's a problem.