I can not install the latest XML package V3.9-4. I mannually install it in RGui by typing:
install.packages(\"LOCALDIR/XML_3.6-0.tar.gz\", repos=NULL, type=
You're a windows user (at least your path indicates so) and XML is not available for that OS using the standard binary install. So I see you've tried source, smart but there are pieces that can't compile without rtools and some magic voodoo. So you got two choices:
I can't help you with the voodoo as I opted for the second choice :)
This is a bit of a punt but I had a similar problem some time ago and it was something to do with having another version of iconv.dll (?) available. I think my rogue version came via cygwin. Making that version unavailable fixed the problem.
P.S. I am on Windows and have XML installed. Just from the straight binary.
I fixed this for myself today, noting it here for prosperity.
On Unbuntu systems, you can fix this by loading libxml2-dev
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev
After I did that, install.packages("XML")
ran without a hitch.
Use the windows binary directly from http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/XML/index.html
You will go into your R library director and unzip it there.