I am currently trying to make a weather app using JSON from https://openweathermap.org but I am having trouble with the weather part in the JSON file. I am not sure how to a
You need to properly identify your json string and provide all necessary structures to decode it. Just by looking at the json provided you can have an idea of the necessary structs to decode it properly:
struct CurrentLocalWeather: Codable {
let base: String
let clouds: Clouds
let cod: Int
let coord: Coord
let dt: Int
let id: Int
let main: Main
let name: String
let sys: Sys
let visibility: Int
let weather: [Weather]
let wind: Wind
struct Clouds: Codable {
let all: Int
struct Coord: Codable {
let lat: Double
let lon: Double
struct Main: Codable {
let humidity: Int
let pressure: Int
let temp: Double
let tempMax: Int
let tempMin: Int
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case humidity, pressure, temp, tempMax = "temp_max", tempMin = "temp_min"
struct Sys: Codable {
let country: String
let id: Int
let message: Double
let sunrise: UInt64
let sunset: UInt64
let type: Int
struct Weather: Codable {
let description: String
let icon: String
let id: Int
let main: String
struct Wind: Codable {
let deg: Int
let speed: Double
let weatherData = Data("""
{"base" : "stations",
"clouds": { "all": 36 },
"cod" : 200,
"coord" : { "lat": 51.51,
"lon": -0.13},
"dt": 1507497600,
"id": 2643743,
"main": {
"humidity": 82,
"pressure": 1021,
"temp": 10.65,
"temp_max": 13,
"temp_min": 9},
"name": "London",
"sys": {
"country": "GB",
"id": 5091,
"message": 0.0036,
"sunrise": 1507443264,
"sunset": 1507483213,
"type": 1 },
"visibility": 10000,
"weather": [{
"description": "scattered clouds",
"icon": "03n",
"id": 802,
"main": "Clouds"}],
"wind": {
"deg": 200,
"speed": 1.5
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
let currentLocalWeather = try decoder.decode(CurrentLocalWeather.self, from: weatherData)
print(currentLocalWeather) // "CurrentLocalWeather(base: "stations", clouds: __lldb_expr_367.Clouds(all: 36), cod: 200, coord: __lldb_expr_367.Coord(lat: 51.509999999999998, lon: -0.13), dt: 1507497600, id: 2643743, main: __lldb_expr_367.Main(humidity: 82, pressure: 1021, temp: 10.65, temp_max: 13, temp_min: 9), name: "London", sys: __lldb_expr_367.Sys(country: "GB", id: 5091, message: 0.0035999999999999999, sunrise: 1507443264, sunset: 1507483213, type: 1), visibility: 10000, weather: [__lldb_expr_367.Weather(description: "scattered clouds", icon: "03n", id: 802, main: "Clouds")], wind: __lldb_expr_367.Wind(deg: 200, speed: 1.5))\n"
} catch {
You need to define types for the custom types in your JSON, e.g. weather, clouds, coord, etc. I would recommend looking at the example in the documentation.
In the example, the Landmark
type has a 'location' property which is of Coordinate
type. You could even use the Coordinate
type in the example for the coord property in your JSON object. However, you will need to provide the correct keys using the CodingKey protocol which is also described in the documentation. For example, your Coordinate
type may look like this:
struct Coordinate: Codable {
var latitude: Double
var longitude: Double
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case latitude = "lat"
case longitude = "lon"