Escaping an equals sign in DOS batch string replacement command

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2021-01-15 11:20

I need to replace some text in a JNLP file using a DOS batch file to tune it for the local machine.

The problem is that the search pattern contains an equals sign wh

  • 2021-01-15 11:39

    The best solution is to download and install Cygwin or GNUWin32 but, if you're really limited to the standard command processor, it can get a little messy.

    This is not the fastest method in the world but it's at least functional. This command file processes each line one character at a time, treating specially the case where you find the stanza you're looking for.

    @echo off
    set init=50M
    set max=75M
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
    for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (agility.jnlp) do (
        set str1=%%a
        call :morph
        echo !str2!>>agility_new.jnlp
        echo !str2!
    goto :eof
        set str2=
        if not "x!str1!"=="x" (
            if "!str1:~0,18!"=="initial-heap-size=" (
                set str2=!str2!initial-heap-size="!init!"
                set str1=!str1:~24!
                goto :morph1
            if "!str1:~0,14!"=="max-heap-size=" (
                set str2=!str2!max-heap-size="!max!"
                set str1=!str1:~20!
                goto :morph1
            set str2=!str2!!str1:~0,1!
            set str1=!str1:~1!
            goto :morph1
        goto :eof

    With the input file:

    <j2se version="1.5" initial-heap-size="100M" max-heap-size="100M"/>
    next line

    you end up with:

    <j2se version="1.5" initial-heap-size="50M" max-heap-size="75M"/>
    next line
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  • 2021-01-15 11:40

    One cannot simply replace (a substring with) an equal-sign, without splitting up (for-statement with "delims==") or trimming…

    But perhaps you could go for this simpler but more confusing approach, using the following statement in your for-loop:

    set str=!str:"100M" max-heap-size="%min%M" max-heap-size!

    It just combines the string to replace with what comes after instead of what comes before, avoiding any equal-sign replacements entirely.

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  • 2021-01-15 11:42

    Here's an alternative solution. If you can afford to download GNU tools, you can use sed:

    C:\test>set a=200
    C:\test>sed -i.bak "s/^\(.*initial-heap-size=\"\).*\( max.*\)/\1%a%\"\2/" file 
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  • 2021-01-15 11:48

    If you can pass the arguments as something else, such as double underscores, you can iterate through them and convert them to '=' in the batch file.

    @rem Replace __ with = in batch files.
    @rem This works around the lack of equals signs in args
    @rem args contains full args string with substitutions in place
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    if "%~1" NEQ "" (
    set str=%~1
    set out=!str:__==!
    set %~1=!out!
    set args=!args!!out!
    goto :argloop
    @rem Can now run program on a line on its own with just %args%


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