I\'ve recently started learning how to use python and i\'m having some trouble with a graphQL api call.
I\'m trying to set up a loop to grab all the information usi
I had a similar situation where I had to aggregate data through paginating from a GraphQL endpoint. Trying the above solution didn't work for me that well.
to start my header config for graphql was like this:
headers = {
"Authorization":f"Bearer {token}",
for my query string, I used the triple quote with a variable placeholder:
user_query =
Basically, I had my loop here for the pages:
for page in range(1, 9):
formatted_query = user_query.replace("$page",f'{page}')
response = requests.post(api_url, data=formatted_query,
status_code, json = response.status_code, response.json()
As a general rule you should avoid building up queries using string manipulation like this.
In the GraphQL query itself, GraphQL allows variables that can be placeholders in the query for values you will plug in later. You need to declare the variables at the top of the query, and then can reference them anywhere inside the query. The query itself, without the JSON wrapper, would look something like
query = """
query MoreCards($phase: ID!, $cursor: String) {
phase(id: $phase) {
id, name, cards_count
cards(first: 30, after: $cursor) {
... CardConnectionData
To actually supply the variable values, they get passed as an ordinary dictionary
variables = {
"phase": phaseID,
"cursor": pointer
The actual request body is a straightforward JSON structure. You can construct this as a dictionary too:
body = {
"query": query,
"variables": variables
Now you can use the standard json module to format it to a string
or pass it along to something like the requests package that can directly accept the object and encode it for you.