I want to know if there is a way to add the last element of the stream that was tested against the condition of the method takeWhile(). I believe I want to achieve something
I add an horrible approach that might be overkill for your (or any) use case, but just for fun.
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Integer> source = List.of(1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6);
Iterator<Integer> iterator = source.iterator();
AtomicBoolean proceed = new AtomicBoolean(true);
.generate(() -> {
if (!proceed.get() || !iterator.hasNext()) {
return null;
int value = iterator.next();
System.out.println("generate: " + value);
proceed.set(value < 5);
return value;
.forEach(bar -> System.out.println("forEach: " + bar));
The output will be:
generate: 1
forEach: 1
generate: 3
forEach: 3
generate: 2
forEach: 2
generate: 5
forEach: 5
Probably the worst thing about this approach is that it gives generate()
a responsibility (checking if there are more) that it does not belong with it.
There's no convenient way to do that with the normal stream API. It is possible in an ugly way (you would need to adapt this implementation, that's just a normal takeWhile
"backported" for Java 8).
This guy has written a stream extension library which has takeWhileInclusive.
Sample usage:
IntStreamEx.of(1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6)
.peek(foo -> System.out.println("Peek: " + foo))
.takeWhileInclusive(n -> n < 5)
.forEach(bar -> System.out.println("forEach: " + bar));