How to changing existing COM+ applications identity via vbs script. like Authentication level = none and identity to this user via vb scripts. found many posting on add/dele
Here's a script that retrieves all of the applications, finds the one with the name you are interested in and sets the Identity, Password and Authentication to Connect. For a full list of Application properties see Applications Collection under COM+ Administration Collections.
Const COMAdminAuthenticationDefault = 0
Const COMAdminAuthenticationNone = 1
Const COMAdminAuthenticationConnect = 2
Const COMAdminAuthenticationCall = 3
Const COMAdminAuthenticationPacket = 4
Const COMAdminAuthenticationIntegrity = 5
Const COMAdminAuthenticationPrivacy = 6
Dim catalog
Dim applications
Dim application
Set catalog = CreateObject("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog")
Set applications = catalog.GetCollection("Applications")
Call applications.Populate
For Each application In applications
If (application.value("Name") = "AppName") Then
application.Value("Authentication") = COMAdminAuthenticationConnect
application.Value("Identity") = "domain\account"
application.Value("Password") = "Password"
Call applications.SaveChanges
End If