I have 3 or multiple files I need to merge, the data looks like this..
file 1
file 2
file 3
I wouldn't normally suggest this, but unix utilties should be able to handle this just fine.
the 3 files together.sort
to sort the merged file.However, using perl, could just do the following:
use strict;
use warnings;
my @data;
push @data, $_ while (<>);
# Because the numbers are all equal length, alpha sort will work here
print for sort @data;
However, as we've discussed, it's possible that the files will be extremely large. Therefore it will be more efficient both in memory and speed if you're able to take advantage of the fact that all the files are already sorted.
The following solution therefore streams the files, pulling out the next one in order each loop of the while:
# Could name this catsort.pl
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
# Initialize File handles
my @fhs = map {open my $fh, '<', $_; $fh} @ARGV;
# First Line of each file
my @data = map {scalar <$_>} @fhs;
# Loop while a next line exists
while (@data) {
# Pull out the next entry.
my $index = (sort {$data[$a] cmp $data[$b]} (0..$#data))[0];
print $data[$index];
# Fill In next Data at index.
if (! defined($data[$index] = readline $fhs[$index])) {
# End of that File
splice @fhs, $index, 1;
splice @data, $index, 1;
Using Miller's idea in a more reusable way,
use strict;
use warnings;
sub get_sort_iterator {
my @fhs = map {open my $fh, '<', $_ or die $!; $fh} @_;
my @d;
return sub {
for my $i (0 .. $#fhs) {
# skip to next file handle if it doesn't exists or we have value in $d[$i]
next if !$fhs[$i] or defined $d[$i];
# reading from $fhs[$i] file handle was success?
if ( defined($d[$i] = readline($fhs[$i])) ) { chomp($d[$i]) }
# file handle at EOF, not needed any more
else { undef $fhs[$i] }
# compare as numbers, return undef if no more data
my ($index) = sort {$d[$a] <=> $d[$b]} grep { defined $d[$_] } 0..$#d
or return;
# return value from $d[$index], and set it to undef
return delete $d[$index];
my $iter = get_sort_iterator(@ARGV);
while (defined(my $x = $iter->())) {
print "$x\n";
Suppose every input files are already in ascending order and have at least one line in them, this script could merge them in ascending order:
use warnings;
use strict;
use List::Util 'reduce';
sub min_index {
reduce { $_[$a] < $_[$b] ? $a : $b } 0 .. $#_;
my @fhs = map { open my $fh, '<', $_; $fh } @ARGV;
my @data = map { scalar <$_> } @fhs;
while (@data) {
my $idx = min_index(@data);
print "$data[$idx]";
if (! defined($data[$idx] = readline $fhs[$idx])) {
splice @data, $idx, 1;
splice @fhs, $idx, 1;
Note: this is basic the same as the second script offered by @Miller, but a bit clearer and more concise.
I suggest this solution, which uses a sorted array of hashes - each hash corresponding to an input file, and containing a file handle fh
, the last line read line
and the timestamp extracted from the line timestamp
The hash at the end of the array always corresponds to the input that has the smallest value for the timestamp, so all that is necessary is to repeateedly pop
the next value from the array, print
its data, read the next line and (if it hasn't reached eof) insert it back into the array in sorted order.
This could produce an appreciable increase in speed over the repeated sorting of all the data for each output line that other answers use.
Note that the program expects the list of input files as parameters on the command line, and sends its merged output to STDOUT. It also assumes that the input files are already sorted.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
my @data;
for my $file (@ARGV) {
my $item;
open $item->{fh}, '<', $file;
insert_item($item, \@data);
while (@data) {
my $item = pop @data;
print $item->{line};
insert_item($item, \@data);
sub insert_item {
my ($item, $array) = @_;
return if eof $item->{fh};
$item->{line} = readline $item->{fh};
($item->{timestamp}) = $item->{line} =~ /^(\d+)/;
my $i = 0;
++$i while $i < @$array and $item->{timestamp} < $array->[$i]{timestamp};
splice @$array, $i, 0, $item;