Is there a way to get directions(just routes) using google for mkmapview?

前端 未结 3 1039
既然无缘 2021-01-15 06:53

I\'m using swift on iOS and using MKMapView. I\'ve been working on giving a user a from - to textfield and letting the user have a form of route between the from and to loca

  • 2021-01-15 07:10

    Swift 3 version, slightly condensed, thanks to ztan.

    If you want to use Googles geo polylines in iOS without Google SDK.

    func polyLineWithEncodedString(encodedString: String) -> [CLLocationCoordinate2D] {
        var myRoutePoints=[CLLocationCoordinate2D]()
        let bytes = (encodedString as NSString).utf8String
        var idx: Int = 0
        var latitude: Double = 0
        var longitude: Double = 0
        while (idx < encodedString.lengthOfBytes(using: String.Encoding.utf8)) {
            var byte = 0
            var res = 0
            var shift = 0
            repeat {
                byte = bytes![idx] - 63
                idx += 1
                res |= (byte & 0x1F) << shift
                shift += 5
            } while (byte >= 0x20)
            let deltaLat = ((res & 1) != 0x0 ? ~(res >> 1) : (res >> 1))
            latitude += Double(deltaLat)
            shift = 0
            res = 0
            repeat {
                byte = bytes![idx] - 63
                idx += 1
                res |= (byte & 0x1F) << shift
                shift += 5
            } while (byte >= 0x20)
            let deltaLon = ((res & 1) != 0x0 ? ~(res >> 1) : (res >> 1))
            longitude += Double(deltaLon)
            myRoutePoints.append(CLLocation(latitude: Double(latitude * 1E-5), longitude: Double(longitude * 1E-5)).coordinate)
        return myRoutePoints
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-15 07:31

    I think this Stackoverflow answer can convert the encoded polyline to MKPolyline.

    The answer is an Objective-C version, so I tried to convert it to Swift, sample code:

    func polyLineWithEncodedString(encodedString: String) -> MKPolyline {
            let bytes = (encodedString as NSString).UTF8String
            let length = encodedString.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
            var idx: Int = 0
            var count = length / 4
            var coords = UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>.alloc(count)
            var coordIdx: Int = 0
            var latitude: Double = 0
            var longitude: Double = 0
            while (idx < length) {
                var byte = 0
                var res = 0
                var shift = 0
                do {
                    byte = bytes[idx++] - 0x3F
                    res |= (byte & 0x1F) << shift
                    shift += 5
                } while (byte >= 0x20)
                let deltaLat = ((res & 1) != 0x0 ? ~(res >> 1) : (res >> 1))
                latitude += Double(deltaLat)
                shift = 0
                res = 0
                do {
                    byte = bytes[idx++] - 0x3F
                    res |= (byte & 0x1F) << shift
                    shift += 5
                } while (byte >= 0x20)
                let deltaLon = ((res & 1) != 0x0 ? ~(res >> 1) : (res >> 1))
                longitude += Double(deltaLon)
                let finalLat: Double = latitude * 1E-5
                let finalLon: Double = longitude * 1E-5
                let coord = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(finalLat, finalLon)
                coords[coordIdx++] = coord
                if coordIdx == count {
                    let newCount = count + 10
                    let temp = coords
                    coords = UnsafeMutablePointer<CLLocationCoordinate2D>.alloc(newCount)
                    for index in 0..<count {
                        coords[index] = temp[index]
                    count = newCount
            let polyLine = MKPolyline(coordinates: coords, count: coordIdx)
            return polyLine

    You can try the sample project from this GitHub link.

    Below is the image of using Google Direction API web service to render a route on MKMapView from San Francisco to San Jose.

    enter image description here

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-15 07:31

    Using google api to find directions between origin and destination.

    Required parameters:

    • origin : lat + long current location or place ID 

    • destination : lat + long destination location or place ID 

    • Key: to create new google api key .

    Optional parameters:

    • mode (defaults to driving) driving give you more options, or set
      walking, bicycling, transit.
    • alternatives : false give u just one route, option true give all directions between origin and destinations, then you can choose which route u want deponent on duration, or distance inside legs.

    then convert points (inside overview_polyline) to list of CLLocationCoordinate2D using Polyline library

    Like this:

    func convertPointToCoordinates() -> [CLLocationCoordinate2D]? {

    let polyline = Polyline(encodedPolyline: overviewPolyline.points ?? "")

    return polyline.coordinates


    let coordinates = convertPointToCoordinates()

    let polyLine = MKPolyline(coordinates: coordinates ?? [], count: (coordinates?.count ?? 0))

    • to add polyline on map view:


    • to focus on polyline region:

      self.mapView.setVisibleMapRect(polyLine.boundingMapRect, edgePadding: UIEdgeInsets.init(top: 60, left: 60, bottom: 60, right: 60), animated: true)

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