I originally had code, but now I deleted all code in that project. I have a formula in sheet1 that goes \"=\'Sheet2\'!I10\". Cool, I save its ok. But the moment that I inser
So thanks to nqramjets for assisting me on this question I have found that the main problem that caused this was a security patch from windows which is KB3178690. After uninstalling this, go to control panel->Uninstall a program -> on the left find & click view installed updates -> and find the above mentioned update number under Microsoft Office, and uninstall.
Furthermore there is a new update from Windows that is meant to fix this crazy bug, -> KB3191855, install this.
This information can be seen on the Microsoft community page, link below.
Thanks again for everyone's help! - Googlesoar
Not enough rep to comment... Also don't have a solution.
NOTE: Excel 2010 appears to be the only one affected. (Both x86 and x64). 2013 and 2016 seem to be okay.
Broken by: KB3178688
Yes, I'm having the exact same issue at the exact same offset (for 32 bit at least).
For us this also appears to have started recently after running the most recent security patches.
Sorry to spam this, but it's trivial to recreate it. The cell with the formula must reside on another sheet though.