I have to perform a cluster analysis on a big amount of data. Since I have a lot of missing values I made a correlation matrix.
corloads = cor(df1[,2:185],
I'm happy to learn about the kgs function. Another option is using the find_k function from the dendextend package (it uses the average silhouette width). But given the kgs function, I might just add it as another option to the package. Also note the dendextend::color_branches function, to color your dendrogram with the number of clusters you end up choosing (you can see more about this here: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dendextend/vignettes/introduction.html#setting-a-dendrograms-branches )
To determine the "optimal number of clusters" several methods are available, despite it is a controversy theme.
The kgs
is helpful to get the optimal number of clusters.
Following your code one would do:
clus <- hclust(distance)
op_k <- kgs(clus, distance, maxclus = 20)
plot (names (op_k), op_k, xlab="# clusters", ylab="penalty")
So the optimal number of clusters according to the kgs
function is the minimum value of op_k
, as you can see in the plot.
You can get it with
Note that I set the maximum number of clusters allowed to 20. You can set this argument to NULL
Check this page for more methods.
Hope it helps you.
To find which is the optimal number of clusters, you can do
op_k[which(op_k == min(op_k))]
Also see this post to find the perfect graphy answer from @Ben
op_k[which(op_k == min(op_k))]
still gives penalty. To find the optimal number of clusters, use
as.integer(names(op_k[which(op_k == min(op_k))]))