'google-cloud-firestore' distribution doesn't get added to PyInstaller build

前端 未结 3 1918
既然无缘 2021-01-15 06:11

When I am trying to build an executable for my python script it gives me:

pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The \'google-cloud-firestore\' distribution wa         

  • 2021-01-15 06:27

    If you are not able to locate hooks-google.cloud.py in the PyInstaller package, you can try to locate it in:


    or if you are using a virtual environment, you can look for _pyinstaller_hooks_contrib\hooks instead if you are using it to build the exe file.

    If the error still persists, you can take a look at the build log to locate where hook-google.cloud.py is built from.

    I hope this helps somebody out in the future as it works for me.

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  • 2021-01-15 06:47

    for two days, i have found the solution with three steps


    in hook-google.cloud add this code.

    datas += copy_metadata('google-cloud-firestore')

    root of hook-google.cloud.py ..





    in root of:


    and add this code

    from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import copy_metadata, get_package_dir
    datas += copy_metadata('google-cloud-firestore')
    datas += copy_metadata('google_cloud_firestore')  #altlll
    hiddenimports += ['google-cloud-firestore_v1']
    #get_package_dir returns tuple (where pkg stored, abs path to pkg)
    pkg_dir = 'C:/Users/ASPIREone/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/Lib/site-packages/google/cloud/firestore_v1'
    datas += (pkg_dir, 'google-cloud-firestore')

    don't forget to delete folder __pycache__ in your main project my main project is root of C:\Users\ASPIREone\PycharmProjects\amazon\parking-go


    delete your app (example: main.exe) in root of:


    go to command line

    don't use pyinstaller.exe --onefile main.py but use

    pyinstaller.exe --onefile --clean main.py

    because m main proect in root folder so i write in command line:

    pyinstaller.exe --onefile --clean C:\Users\ASPIREone\PycharmProjects\amazon\parking-go\main.py

    you have to clean it and rebuild from first

    it should work !


    if you have an error when your app running when retrieve data or write to firestore like this:

    Exception ignored in: 'grpc._cython.cygrpc.ssl_roots_override_callback'
    E0527 07:10:01.571000000  3672 src/core/lib/security/security_connector/ssl_util
    s.cc:449] assertion failed: pem_root_certs != nullptr

    it solved with this step:

    copy file roots.pm into your main project or where you run your app

    dir of roots.pm is


    make hook-grpc.py and put this code

    from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_data_files
    datas = collect_data_files('grpc')

    go to commandline

    pyinstaller.exe --onefile --clean yourmainfile.py

    it should work !

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  • 2021-01-15 06:48

    Recently i found a solution for this,hope this will fix your problem too.

    Create two hook files:

    1. hook-google.cloud.firestore.py
    2. hook-grpc.py

    In hook-google.cloud.firestore.py write below code and save it somewhere:

    from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import copy_metadata
    datas = copy_metadata('google-cloud-firestore')

    In hook-grpc.py write below code and save it at same place:

    from PyInstaller.utils.hooks import collect_data_files
    datas = collect_data_files ( 'grpc' )

    Now copy paste both the files to :


    If you still face the problem, Please use setuptools version 45.0.0 and then run pyinstaller and create your exe file by:

    pyinstaller --clean --onefile yourfilename.py

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