I have got the following problem since the server has safe mode turned on, and directories are being created under different users:
I've used this workaround:
instead of php mkdir you can create directories by FTP with proper rights.
function FtpMkdir($path, $newDir) {
$path = 'mainwebsite_html/'.$path;
$server='ftp.myserver.com'; // ftp server
$connection = ftp_connect($server); // connection
// login to ftp server
$user = "user@myserver.com";
$pass = "password";
$result = ftp_login($connection, $user, $pass);
// check if connection was made
if ((!$connection) || (!$result)) {
return false;
} else {
ftp_chdir($connection, $path); // go to destination dir
if(ftp_mkdir($connection, $newDir)) { // create directory
ftp_site($connection, "CHMOD 777 $newDir") or die("FTP SITE CMD failed.");
return $newDir;
} else {
return false;
ftp_close($connection); // close connection
I have had some success with setting the group bit of the upload directory to sticky. PHP can then create directories inside it and write to it.
chmod g+s directory
You might be able to turn safe mode off for a specific directory via a .htaccess file (if on Apache).
php_value safe_mode = Off
You might need to get your hosting provider to make this change for you though in the httpd.conf.