Before going to the actual problem, see how internal concatenation works.
String testString ="str"+"ingcon"+"catenation";
If we print the above declared String to console and see, the result is stringconcatenation.Which is correct and the + works fine. Here is out actual question, how does that + symbol did the magic ? ? Is it not a normal mathematical addition of Strings. The below code snippet shows how that code with + actually converts.
StringBuilder compilerGeneratedBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String finalString = compilerGeneratedBuilder.toString();
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50K times loop is a descent performance blocker to consider.
In such cases use StringBuilder
with append method. Cause concat (+) create a new object every time a new String Builder object. That leads to 50k objects creations.
With single StringBuilder and append method, you can save the time of Objection creation as well as the memory too.