We are using the InputBox extension. We want to have a search function using two checkboxes like this:
Tough one, you could try utilizing JavaScript to add a keyword you want when each of the checkboxes is selected. Something like so: (jQuery is used for comfort, but normal JS can be used as well if not an option):
$("#search").submit(function(e) {
var search_value = $('input[type="text"]', this).val();
if ($("#checkbox1").checked) { search_value = "SomeValue " + search_value; }
if ($("#checkbox2").checked) { search_value = "SomeOtherValue " + search_value; }
$('#search input[type="text"]').val(search_value);
Note, should the user disable JavaScript for some reason, your functionality will be damaged, which is always a bad practice. Only use this in case you've really extracted all other possibilities.