I made an improvement to my code according to this suggestion from @paultrmbrth. what i need is to scrape data from pages that are similar to this and this one and i want th
You can extract the title using below
item = {}
item['Title'] = response.css("h3[itemprop='name'] a::text").extract_first()
For the CSV part you would need to create a FeedExports which can split each row into multiple rows
from itertools import zip_longest
from scrapy.contrib.exporter import CsvItemExporter
class NewLineRowCsvItemExporter(CsvItemExporter):
def __init__(self, file, include_headers_line=True, join_multivalued=',', **kwargs):
super(NewLineRowCsvItemExporter, self).__init__(file, include_headers_line, join_multivalued, **kwargs)
def export_item(self, item):
if self._headers_not_written:
self._headers_not_written = False
fields = self._get_serialized_fields(item, default_value='',
values = list(self._build_row(x for _, x in fields))
values = [
(val[0] if len(val) == 1 and type(val[0]) in (list, tuple) else val)
if type(val) in (list, tuple)
else (val, )
for val in values]
multi_row = zip_longest(*values, fillvalue='')
for row in multi_row:
Then you need to assign the feed exporter in your settings
'csv': '<yourproject>.exporters.NewLineRowCsvItemExporter',
Assuming you put the code in exporters.py
file. The output will be as desired
To set the fields and their order you will need to define FEED_EXPORT_FIELDS
in your settings.py
FEED_EXPORT_FIELDS = ['Title', 'Follows', 'Followed by', 'Edited into', 'Spun-off from', 'Spin-off', 'Referenced in',
'Featured in', 'Spoofed in', 'References', 'Spoofs', 'Version of', 'Remade as', 'Edited from',