I am new to Eclipse and Acceleo, and I have been trying to complete the First Generator Model Tutorial. I am using Kepler 4.3 and Acceleo 3.X. I am following the tutorial th
I corrected this error by updating the classpath in the MANIFEST.MF file :
I added the bin/ folder of the projet. It now works properly.
I had exactly the same problem using Acceleo 3.5.0 on a clean Kepler and a clean Luna install. In Luna Acceleo displays a warning when you select the 'Acceleo Plugin Application' for the Runner in the run configuration. If you select 'Java Application' instead it works on Kepler.
A little research led me to the following 'fixed' bug: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=419205 . The 'fix' I guess was to add an error message in Luna telling us this feature doesn't work. I see exactly the same problem in Kepler and in Juno too with Acceleo 3.5 so it doesn't seem Luna specific at all.
Only workarounds I've found for this are to:
The problem with standalone is then you lose all the great features of Acceleo's debugger and interpreter, plus you have longer wait time testing your templates.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.acceleo.module.sample.Activator cannot be found by org.eclipse.acceleo.module.sample_1.0.0.qualifier
The most likely reason I can think of is that you have used the File > New Plug-in Project
wizard and kept most of the default values, yet afterwards removed (or renamed) the "Activator" class that it created in your project.
file of your project should contain a line that looks like :
Bundle-Activator: org.eclipse.acceleo.module.sample.Activator
And if it does, it most likely shows a warning or error on that line. You can either remove the line altogether or make sure you indeed have a plug-in activator with that qualified name.