I am assigned a problem which I am not sure how to solve in SQL Server (version 5/8). Here is the simple query and its output:
Select location, date_time, It
The above, from cyberkiwi, is too complicated. You need to do something called a 'table rotation'. Assuming you have a product table like this:
create table product
location char(2) not null ,
date_time datetime not null ,
item_sold varchar(32) not null ,
primary key clustered ( location , date_time ) ,
The sql you want is the following SELECT statement:
select Location = loc.location ,
"12/8" = t8.sales_cnt ,
"12/8 - 12/09" = t9.sales_cnt ,
"12/8 - 12/10" = t10.sales_cnt ,
"12/8 - 12/11" = t11.sales_cnt ,
"12/8 - 12/12" = t12.sales_cnt ,
"12/8 - 12/13" = t13.sales_cnt
from ( select distinct location from #product ) loc
left join ( select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-08 23:59:59.997' group by location ) t8 on t8.location = loc.location
left join ( select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-09 23:59:59.997' group by location ) t9 on t9.location = loc.location
left join ( select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-10 23:59:59.997' group by location ) t10 on t10.location = loc.location
left join ( select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-11 23:59:59.997' group by location ) t11 on t11.location = loc.location
left join ( select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-12 23:59:59.997' group by location ) t12 on t12.location = loc.location
left join ( select location , sales_cnt = count(*) from #product where date_time between '2011-12-08 00:00:00.000' and '2011-12-13 23:59:59.997' group by location ) t13 on t13.location = loc.location
order by 1
Sample table and data
create table Product(Location char(2), Date_time datetime, Item_sold varchar(20))
insert Product select 'VA', '20101210 1:30:00 PM' ,'Candy'
insert Product select 'VA', '20101210 3:30:00 PM' ,'Chips'
insert Product select 'VA', '20101213 12:50:00 AM' ,'Wine'
insert Product select 'DC', '20101213 8:00:00 AM' ,'Gum'
insert Product select 'DC', '20101213 12:30:00 PM' ,'Bags'
insert Product select 'DC', '20101213 1:16:00 PM' ,'Cheese'
insert Product select 'DC', '20101213 12:00:00 AM' ,'Hotdog'
insert Product select 'NJ', '20101215 12:00:00 AM' ,'Coffee'
insert Product select 'NJ', '20101215 1:15:00 PM' ,'Beers'
insert Product select 'NJ', '20101215 3:45:00 AM' ,'Cream'
The T-SQL to produce the results required
declare @start datetime
declare @end datetime
select @start = '20101208', @end = '20110105'
declare @sql nvarchar(max);
-- generate the column names
select @sql = coalesce(@sql + ',', '') + QuoteName(Convert(char(5),@start,101)+' - '+Convert(char(5),DT,101))
from (
select @start + number DT
from master..spt_values
where type='P' and number between 0 and DATEDIFF(D,@start,@end)) T;
-- replace the column names into the generic PIVOT form
set @sql = REPLACE('
;with COUNTS AS (
select p.location, Convert(char(5),@start,101)+'' - ''+Convert(char(5),@start + v.number,101) DT, X.C
Select distinct location From Product
where Date_time >= @start and Date_time < @end+1 -- * the date after, to handle the times
) p
inner join master..spt_values v on v.type=''P'' and v.number between 0 and DATEDIFF(D,@start,@end)
cross apply
select COUNT(*) C from product p2
where p2.Location=p.Location
and p2.date_time >= @start and p2.date_time < @start + v.number +1
) X
select location, :columns:
from COUNTS p
pivot (max(C) for DT in (:columns:)) pv',
':columns:', @sql)
-- execute for the results
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@start datetime,@end datetime', @start, @end