If I have a generic method that is constrained to be type \'int\' then surely I should be able to cast an integer to the generic T type. For example...
"Only class or interface could be specified as constraint." (c) ReSharper
int (Int32) is just a struct. You can constrain that T is a struct. but you can't use any struct as constraint.
the whole list of possible constraints you can find here - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d5x73970.aspx
and for Enum constraint see this question - Is there a workaround for generic type constraint of "special class" Enum in C# 3.0?
int (and all other numeric types, and enums) cannot be used as a generic constraint.
Generic C# Code and the Plus Operator
for further details and options.
For a discussion with Anders Hejlsberg, the creator of C#, about generics and type constraints see
One can place a type constraint of struct like this:
public class Generic<T> where T : struct { }
Generic<int> gen = new Generic<int>();
Are you sure its compiling?
Here, it gives following error:
error CS0701: 'int' is not a valid constraint. A type used as a constraint must be an interface, a non-sealed class or a type parameter.