Running Fedora 9/10, Apache 2, PHP 5...
Can I run a shell script as root, from a PHP script using exec()?
Do I just give Apache root priveleges, and then add
As requested, here's the python server...
import os
import socket
print " Loading Bindings..."
settings = {}
line = 0
for each in open('/path/to/actions.txt', 'r'):
line = line + 1
each = each.rstrip()
if each <> "":
if each[0] <> '#':
a = each.partition(':')
if a[2]:
settings[a[0]] = a[2]
print " Err @ line",line,":",each
print " Starting Server...",
port = 12345
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.bind(("", port))
print "OK."
print " Listening on port:", port
while True:
datagram = s.recv(1024)
if not datagram:
print "Rx Cmd:", datagram
if settings.has_key(datagram):
print "Launch:", settings[datagram]
os.system(settings[datagram]+" &")
The config file "actions.txt" uses the format "action-name:corresponding-shell-command" i.e.
# Hash denotes a comment
webroot:nautilus /var/www
edit_homepage:gedit /var/www/homepage/htdocs/index.php
This code doesn't check the originating IP of the incoming UDP packets as I have it running on localhost, I am firewalled of from anyone else and checking would provide no protection against spoofing anyway.
I don't have time to rewrite it to use TCP/IP but Python is a language that's worth getting to know so if you really want that functionality I'll leave it to you to have a google for 'Python' and 'SOCK_STREAM'. It's probably not worth your trouble though, it's easier to configure your firewall so that no spoofed localhost packets can get through and modify the code to make sure it only listens to packets from the loopback.