I\'m going to attend a MDM
project in iOS
(client side) but after searching, I still don\'t know how MDM
really works. Can anyone expl
iOS MDM is clientless protocol. So, you develop a server, but you don't develop a client application for it. Actually, there is a client app, but it's developed by Apple and built into operation system.
So, your server will send a command, built-in MDM client will receive and execute it.
Generally speaking, if you want to develop MDM server, you need to register into Enterprise Developer Program and get MDM documentation.
There is some reverse engineered documentation here: http://media.blackhat.com/bh-us-11/Schuetz/BH_US_11_Schuetz_InsideAppleMDM_WP.pdf
And iOS MDM protocol support Install/Remove application command.
MDM means Mobile Device Management. This is same concept used in many corporations have been using for desktops and laptops. They installs some softwares on PCs that allows to monitor activities on those PCs. Same way in MDM they installs applications on your mobile device that allows to monitor activities on mobile devices.
You can refer some MDM provider to get batter idea. e.g. http://www.air-watch.com/