How I can set repeated texture on an object in Android ArCore Sceneform API?

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闹比i 2021-01-15 03:13

I have successfully made a line between two vectors in the AR Scene.

My code:

private void addLineBetweenPoints(Scene scene, Vector3 from, Vector3 t         

  • 2021-01-15 03:35

    Looking at the cylinder model, it has a UV map of 0 to 1. This is used to map the texture onto the mesh. 0,0 is the bottom left of the texture and 1,1 is the top right. The wrapping configuration on the sampler is only used when the UV coordinates on the model are > 1.0. In that case it clamps or repeats based on the setting. Since the cylinder is already constrained to 0,1, the texture is always stretched.

    Your alternatives to fix this are either to model your own cylinder and set the UV coordinates as you need, or to use a custom material to manipulate the UV coordinates before sampling.

    You can use Blender or Maya or another 3D modeling tool make the model.

    The custom material is specific to Sceneform, so here's the steps:

    1. Create a dummy model to use when loading the custom material
    2. Write the custom material that repeats the texture
    3. Load the dummy model at runtime and get the material
    4. Set the parameters on the custom material.

    Create a dummy model

    I used a plane OBJ model I had around. It does not matter what the model is, we just need it to load the material. Create a file in app/sampledata/materials named dummy.obj

    o Plane
    v 0.500000 0.500000 0.000000
    v  -0.500000 0.500000 0.000000
    v  0.500000 -0.500000 0.000000
    v  -0.500000 -0.500000 0.000000
    vt 0.000000 1.000000
    vt 0.000000 0.000000
    vt 1.000000 0.000000
    vt 1.000000 1.000000
    vn 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
    usemtl None
    s off
    f 1/1/1 2/2/1 4/3/1 3/4/1

    Write the custom material

    The custom material reference describes each of the elements in the repeating_texture.mat:

    // Sample material for repeating a texture.
    // the repeating factor is given as repeat_x,
    // repeat_y as a factor multipled by the UV
    // coordinate.
    material {
        "name" : "RepeatingTexture",
       parameters : [
          type : sampler2d,
          name : texture
            type: float,
                type: float,
                name: "repeat_y"
       requires : [
    fragment {
        void material(inout MaterialInputs material) {
            vec2 uv = getUV0();
            uv.x = uv.x * materialParams.repeat_x;
            uv.y = uv.y * materialParams.repeat_y;
            material.baseColor = texture(materialParams_texture, uv).rgba;

    Add the model and material to the build

    This adds the step to compile the model and material into a .sfb file. In app/build.gradle add:

    apply plugin: ''

    You will also need to add Sceneform to the buildscript class path in the top level build.gradle:

        dependencies {
            classpath ''
            classpath ''
            // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
            // in the individual module build.gradle files

    Load the material at runtime

    In onCreate() call:

    ModelRenderable.builder().setSource(this, R.raw.material_holder) .build().thenAccept( modelRenderable -> repeatingMaterial = modelRenderable.getMaterial());

    This stores the material in the member field repeatingMaterial.

    Set the parameters on the material

    Modifying your original code to be:

      private void addLineBetweenPoints(AnchorNode from, Vector3 to) {
        // Compute a line's length
        float lineLength = Vector3.subtract(from.getWorldPosition(), to).length();
        // repeat the pattern every 10cm
        float lengthCM = lineLength * 100;
        repeatingMaterial.setFloat("repeat_x", lengthCM/10);
        repeatingMaterial.setFloat("repeat_y", lengthCM/10);
                    // 3. make a model by the material
                    ModelRenderable model = ShapeFactory.makeCylinder(0.0025f, lineLength,
                            new Vector3(0f, lineLength / 2, 0f), repeatingMaterial);
                    // make node
                    Node node = new Node();
                    // set rotation
                    final Vector3 difference = Vector3.subtract(from.getWorldPosition(), to);
                    final Vector3 directionFromTopToBottom = difference.normalized();
                    final Quaternion rotationFromAToB =
                            Quaternion.lookRotation(directionFromTopToBottom, Vector3.up());
                            Quaternion.axisAngle(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 90)));
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