I\'m a novice programmer trying to automate some repetitive workplace tasks that should be done by a clever script instead of humans. I\'ve done some VBA and Java, but very
The code below works for converting 2D arrays in CSV. I have not written the code, but have tested it and it works!
' SaveAsCSV saves an array as csv file. Choosing a delimiter different as a comma, is optional.
' Syntax:
' SaveAsCSV dMyArray, sMyFileName, [sMyDelimiter]
' Examples:
' SaveAsCSV dChrom, app.path & "\Demo.csv" --> comma as delimiter
' SaveAsCSV dChrom, app.path & "\Demo.csv", ";" --> semicolon as delimiter
' Rev. 1.00 [8 jan 2003]
' written by P. Wester
' wester@kpd.nl
Public Sub SaveAsCSV(MyArray() As Variant, sFilename As String, Optional sDelimiter As String = ",")
Dim n As Long 'counter
Dim M As Long 'counter
Dim sCSV As String 'csv string to print
On Error GoTo ErrHandler_SaveAsCSV
'check extension and correct if needed
If InStr(sFilename, ".csv") = 0 Then
sFilename = sFilename & ".csv"
While (Len(sFilename) - InStr(sFilename, ".csv")) > 3
sFilename = Left(sFilename, Len(sFilename) - 1)
End If
'If MultiDimensional(MyArray()) = False Then '1 dimension
'save the file
' Open sFileName For Output As #7
' For n = 0 To UBound(MyArray(), 1)
' Print #7, Format(MyArray(n, 0), "0.000000E+00")
' Next n
' Close #7
'Else 'more dimensional
'save the file
Open sFilename For Output As #7
For n = 1 To UBound(MyArray(), 1)
sCSV = ""
For M = 1 To UBound(MyArray(), 2)
sCSV = sCSV & Format(MyArray(n, M)) & sDelimiter
Next M
sCSV = Left(sCSV, Len(sCSV) - 1) 'remove last Delimiter
Print #7, sCSV
Next n
Close #7
'End If
Exit Sub
Close #7
I don't work with VB so I'm not sure about the open file for output #7 but if that works (test it with some random output), then your code snippet is right. The only thing is that you should have another Print call where you add a ",".
Just make sure that on your last iteration you don't add the ",". You can do this by adding an If statement that will check if n = UBound(MyArray) - 1 (Which is the index of the last element.)
Hope it helps,