can anyone please show me an example about using regex (regex.h) in C/C++ to search and/or extracting subpattern in a regex.
in javascript, it will be something like
The only regular expressions readily available in C++ is boost::regex
, and that is what has been adopted for the next standard. And the syntax is:
boost::regex expr( "the string contains (\\d*) dots and (\\d*) chars" );
boost::smatch match;
if ( regex_match( text, match, expr ) ) {
// We have a match,
std::string dots = match[1];
std::string chars = match[2];
// ...
There is no regex.h
in standard C or standard C++, so I'm assuming you mean the POSIX regular expression library. C example:
char const *str = "the string contains 123 dots and 344 chars";
char const *re_str = "the string contains ([0-9].*?) dots and ([0-9].*?) chars";
regex_t compiled;
regmatch_t *groups;
regcomp(&compiled, re_str, REG_EXTENDED);
ngroups = compiled.re_nsub + 1;
groups = malloc(ngroups * sizeof(regmatch_t));
regexec(&compiled, str, ngroups, groups, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) {
if (groups[i].rm_so == (size_t)(-1))
else {
size_t len = groups[i].rm_eo - groups[i].rm_so;
char buf[len + 1];
memcpy(buf, str + groups[i].rm_so, len);
buf[len] = '\0';
(Add your own error checking. For more details, see this answer.)
Neither C nor C++ has a "regex.h". The newest version of C++ (commonly called C++0x) will have regular expression support, but it will be Boost.Regex, more or less. So you may as well just ask, "How do I use Boost.Regex?"